On March 30, 2011, I launched my beauty blog, then called "Got Polish?", with the following post:
Hello, dear readers. Welcome to my new blog! Some of you may know, I write a blog entitled "Kari On" in which I discuss all of the day to day chaos, turmoil, drama and occasional beauty in my life. However, I've been posting polish pics and, in essence, polish blogging on my Facebook page for several months now and I thought that perhaps it was time for a blog devoted strictly to polish (thanks to my friend, Michelle, for the suggestion). I've loved polish since I was a little girl. However, my spark of interest was rekindled earlier this year (thanks to my friend, Destany, for pointing me in the direction of Zoya nail polish). I'm looking forward to relieving some of my near-constant stress and hopefully providing a little bit of information and fun to all who choose to read and/or follow this blog. Without further ado...
Presenting...Tallulah (forgive me, Tori Spelling, for bogarting the name of your children's book. I do *heart* me some Tori Spelling.)
Tallulah was my very first Zoya polish. If you know me at all, you know how much I adore all things blue. I chose Tallulah as one of my three free colors during Zoya's first Facebook promotion, in which you could choose three free colors and only pay $6.95 shipping. SUCH a great deal. Application was a DREAM and this is only ONE coat *gasp*. A Zoya love affair was born.
To those of you expecting "woe is me, Kari", trust me, she's not going anywhere, despite my best attempts to ditch her. However, she will be joined by "polish Kari" who is generally a hell of a lot more fun. Enjoy, won't you?
*Update 3-21-15
As I look back at this, my very first post, just NINE days before the four year anniversary of this blog, I have to add a very important codicil. I now DESPISE Tori Spelling. Like, with a fiery passion.
Okay, as you were.
As many (okay, some) of you may know, I stopped writing on that blog months ago, deciding instead to combine all of my loves into THIS very blog you're reading (I hope) right now, "PerseveringStar" (aka "the artist formerly known as 'Kari On'"). I've got to tell you, that blog gave me a lot of joy, a lot of free swag to review and a great deal of satisfaction, for a time. But that time, my friends, has passed. Like life, blogs evolve and sometimes become obsolete. That time has come for "Got Polish?" aka "Butterfly's Landing". Now is the time for "PerseveringStar", here on Blogger, on YouTube, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you get the drift. So I hope that eventually, some of the people who subbed to that blog (in all honesty, many did so years ago as a sort of "sub for sub" exchange when I was active in a nail polish-based Facebook group) might find their ways here. If not, I certainly hope that others will. You, my friends, the few, the cherished, who have already subscribed, mean the WORLD to me. Your support, friendship and encouragement are a large part of the reason I even continue with these cray cray (as the kids would say) endeavors o' mine. I love you. You matter, truly.
That being said, it's "see ya later" (I prefer not to use that more permanent "goodb.." word, ever) to my "beauty blog" and time to respark my love of (for? fuck if I've ever been good at grammar) "PerseveringStar", the blog. (I feel like I'm in Spaceballs, the movie. Hope at least a few of you get that reference.) So, please stay with me if you're already here, encourage like-minded friends with exceptional taste to join us and hang on to your asses. It's going to be one hell of a condensed yet simplified ride.
Much love,